Please make it possible to add hashtags to highlights, as it is done in Readwise. If you implement this, I will be able to switch to using your app completely. This is an important feature :)
add hashtags to highlights, as it is done in Readwise
@肥肥猫xyz What is this? I don't understand how to use it. Please explain it to me. I want to use hashtags in my highlights, but I don't see a menu like this. How can I use it? I need a database of hashtags that I have already used to pop up.
add hashtags to highlights, as it is done in Readwise
1. highlight the text on webpage
2. click the highlight
3. you will see a pop tooltip
4. click the "comment" icon
5. input your comment in the textarea, and you can use hashtag(#) in comment. system will be auto build your tags
add hashtags to highlights, as it is done in Readwise